Monday, 28 December 2009

Went into town today it was so cold minus 8 the coldest it has been for years forgot to wear my hat and my ears were numb by the time I got back. I was glad to get back home to the heat and my knitting. I have an shop on etsy does anyone else have an etsy shop I would love to hear from anyone who does.I am always trying to think of new ideas and different things to make. Ideally I would love to have my own little knitting shop with a little tea room where people could come in and browse and have a cuppa and a chat at the same time. Here in Scotland there are fewer an fewer knitting shops and shops that sell wool and patterns are few and far between. I would even be up for teaching people to knit as I know very few people who can knit. My mum taught me when I was little that's why I called my etsy shop gotitfrommymama. I get such pleasure from being able to knit and I would love to pass it on. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and all the best for 2010.

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Cannot believe the amount of snow we have had it has started to rain today but snow is still lying. Christmas was so lovely don't remember the last6time we had a white Christmas. I have been busy knitting little Mary Jane shoes and some bootees unfortunately I have been so busy with Christmas and my family coming home that I have not had time to take any photos of my knitting but I will soon. I have been doing quite a lot of cardigans and boleros for my little grand-daughter who is ony 7 months old and her name if Holly. I don't know what to knit next maybe some little jumpers. I have quite a few pieces to put in my etsy shop again I just need to get some photos taken and I will after New Year. Hope Christmas was good for everyone and I hope 2010 is a good year. I hope to do more blogging inj the new year.

Friday, 4 December 2009

Winter Wonderland

This is a collage of some of my 'Winter' knitting
Some of it is up on my etsy page here
But some of it isn't up yet
If you would like to buy any of the things that aren't on etsy please just get in touch using my email address at the side
I except Pay Pal payment only!
1. This is a Pram blanket White chunky 100% acrylic wool, It's in my etsy shop here
2. Blue hat and Red hat-Will fit babies up to six months approx
3. Hand-Knitted sailor style cardigan, With navy anchor buttons, Will fit 3-6 months
4. Another Hand-Knitted sailor style cardigan, This is in a lighter blue and cream, Will fit 3-6 months
5. Brown Unisex hat, knitted in 100% Aran wool Check it out in my Etsy shop here
6. Scarf in cream and brown Unisex
Hope you are all enjoying preparing for the Christmas season
I am getting excited about it now too!
What are you all knitting just now?
I have just started another chunky knit
You can never have too many for the winter season!
Oh and remember at the side you can follow this blog and add me on twitter
Every ones welcome!
And if you want to do a link exchange just drop me a comment

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Diamonds are a girls' best friend

I have just recently finished this pram cover which is knitted in chunky wool and can be knitted in a day it is so simple but looks really good when finished you can embroider flowers in the diamonds or sew on some little flowers to change the look. I sold one in my etsy shop a few months ago and I have knitted quite a few in the last year. One of my daughters had a little girl in May my first grandchild and she is just so beautiful. I knit all the time as it's my way of relaxing and it's been a busy year for babies for me. I have four daughters and lots of their friends had babies this year and they were all due about the same time. I think a pram cover is a quick knit to put in with a baby present it never goes wrong.
I went out today with my friend Mary who is also a knitter she is actually a member of a knitting club as she does machine knitting as well. We went for a spot of lunch and then had a look for some new patterns and wool. I have loads of patterns but get fed up knitting the same ones and am always on the look out for new ones or getting a copy from a friend. I am finding it harder and harder to find wool as quite a few shops I used to go to have either closed down or don't sell wool anymore it can be a problem although there are a few sites I buy from on the internet but the postage can be quite high. I have a great site I go to for buttons which can be very expensive to buy. Does anyone know any good places to buy wool? I would be interested to hear from anyone. Just off now to have my tea and then its on to x-factor and knit 1 purl 1.

Thursday, 26 November 2009


This is a couple of the scarfs the I have made and put up on my shop you can check them out HERE and HERE
I love big chunky scarfs for winter time
I don't know about you but when I see this advert on Tv it means it's offcally Christmas time in my house
I just love it
As soon as you hear "Holidays are coming, Holidays are coming..."
Then you know it must be Christmas!
Check it out below
Oh and if anyone wants a link exchange I would love to
So just leave me a comment and I will get back to you!

Winter Jacket

This is my yellow and white child's hooded jacket perfect for these cold winter days
This will fit a 12-18 month old approx.
You can buy it here
I was trying something different for the photos
I had a bit of an autumnal theme going on with the leaves
Just to try and make them more eye catching
If any of you have any good tips for taking a good photo please enlighten me!


Welcome to my new blog
It's my first one so it might take me a little while to get the hang of it but bare with me
I have a shop on Etsy called Got It From My Mama
Where i sell my handmade knitting
I love creating garments and finding new patterns
So I thought i would create this blog
As an outlet for all my inspiration behind my knitting
Also to post my knitting and other creations
I am so excited to be joining the knitting blogging world
I hope you like this blog