I have been inspired to knit these little Mary Jane style baby shoes by my little grand-daughter Holly. Holly is nearly 10months old and she isn't walking yet so she isn't in shoes but because we have had such along cold winter I have been knitting bottees and shoes for her because although her mum dressed her in tights her little feet were still cold so granny has knitted many colours of baby shoes for her they look so cute when she has them on.

And so to the strawberries which I have to say seem to be surviving very well considering the weather we have had. Again today we have had sunshine but apparently we have rain forecast for the next few days and over the week-end but I am very confident. My biggest concern now are the cats that seem to come out of nowhere and belong to nobody but love my garden I do not know why because I shout and rant at them to leave and they don't take a blind bit of notice so if anyone has any ideas of how to painlessly keep cats out of my garden I would appreciate all suggestions.
And so to the strawberries which I have to say seem to be surviving very well considering the weather we have had. Again today we have had sunshine but apparently we have rain forecast for the next few days and over the week-end but I am very confident. My biggest concern now are the cats that seem to come out of nowhere and belong to nobody but love my garden I do not know why because I shout and rant at them to leave and they don't take a blind bit of notice so if anyone has any ideas of how to painlessly keep cats out of my garden I would appreciate all suggestions.
My daughter Michelle is coming home at the week-end with her fiance Olly they get married in July hence the keep fit regime I am putting myself through although I did get time out when I had flu. We are going shopping for bridesmaid dresses this Saturday. Michelles's 3 sisters and 2 friends are her bridesmaids. All five bridesmaids are lovely girls but this will be the second time we have attempted to get dresses not easy with five girls who all have different tastes are obviously all different ages and different sizes. Wish me luck I will obviously let you know how things go.